- $60000
0.44 Acre Lot in Ossie Ave Lehigh Acres FL
Have some questions you want to ask us?
Excellent! We love talking with people to see how we can help you reach your goals.
If you have questions about…
Just give us a ring at the phone number below or shoot us an email through the form. We’ll get back to you within 48 hours. If you need us quicker, make sure to call as we’re able to answer phone calls more quickly than we’re able to return emails.
Chat with you soon!
Anat Zohar
610 E Zack Street, Suite 110 Tampa, FL 33602-3973
Phone: (813) 575-0001
Fax: (253) 252-8635
Email: info@VacantLandLot.com
(Old address: 1101 E Cumberland Ave Suite 201H22, Tampa, FL 33602 )
Our team: Anat Zohar and Ron Zohar
0.44 Acre Lot in Ossie Ave Lehigh Acres FL
0.42 Acre Lot in Parnell CT Lehigh Acres FL
0.23 Acre in Irwin Ave SW Palm Bay, FL – Brevard county, Florida